Lactation consultations

Nutrition consultations


Lactation Consultations

  • Initial Consultation, In-Person

    This visit includes a comprehensive physical assessment of both you and your baby, including a full lactation history, an infant oral assessment/suck assessment, observation of a feeding, evaluation of your infant’s weight/growth, and an individualized plan to meet your breastfeeding goals. Plan 1.5 to 2 hours for this visit. $200

  • Follow-up Consultation, In-Person

    While one visit may be all that is necessary for some less complicated issues (i.e., simple latch issues and general breastfeeding questions), follow-up is recommended for more complex feeding issues. These visits are typically shorter (60-90 minutes) and focus on re-evaluating progress toward goals and adjusting the plan as needed. $150

  • Initial Consultation, Virtual

    Our virtual lactation consultations are conducted on a secure telehealth platform that you can access from your phone, tablet or computer. Prenatal consultations, return to work/pumping guidance, and general breastfeeding questions or concerns can be addressed well in this format. Plan on 60 minutes for this visit. $125

  • Follow-up Consultation, Virtual

    Many lactation and feeding concerns can be addressed in this format after an initial in-person consultation. This is an ideal way to keep in touch throughout your breastfeeding journey and to have arising questions or concerns addressed in a timely manner. Virtual follow-up visits tend to be shorter—plan on 30 minutes. $65

Nutrition Consultations

  • Initial Consultation, Virtual

    Our virtual nutrition consultations are conducted on a secure telehealth platform that you can access from your phone, tablet or computer. Prenatal nutrition, diet controlled gestational diabetes, postpartum nutrition, and infant/toddler nutrition can be well addressed in this format. Plan on 60 minutes for this visit. $125

  • Follow-up Consultation, Virtual

    This is an ideal way to reassess progress toward nutrition and feeding goals, or to have arising questions or concerns addressed in a timely manner. Please note: You will want to have had an ‘initial’ visit before signing up for this follow-up consultation. Virtual follow-up visits tend to be shorter—plan on 30 minutes. $65